The Struggle In Learning To Extend Grace To Yourself

 Two piece set: Shopbop | Sandals: Ann Taylor | Purse: Sole Society | Sunnies: Amazon

Hello Darling!

Lately, I found me being extremely hard on myself. Whether that is getting upset about  not finishing my to do list, feeling like I am failing as a wife, the list goes on. This has caused me to not only feel awful but also be even more unproductive. Through this, I have realized what a struggle it is to extend grace to yourself.

Leanring To Extend Grace To Yourself

As women, I feel like this is something we struggle with quite a bit. We feel as if we have to have everything together. Always be checking things off the list, making sure we do not miss anything, taking care of friends, family etc. The truth is, we will never have everything together. Nothing we do will be perfect, and it is okay when we fall short. We are human. The best thing we can do is to say, ” This does not define who I am, and I am going to move forward in confidence.” We need to learn to grab ahold of grace and extend to ourselves.

When we do this, we are freeing ourselves up to live a full and beautiful life. Learning to move forward through our failures, and downfalls. These things happen not to define who we are, but to make ourselves stronger and better people.

To completely learn to extend grace to yourself, it is important to remember that you have a heavenly Father who has extended the ultimate grace to you. This grace was given to us when he died on the cross for our sins. This is not something we deserved but something he willingly gave. As I remind myself of this truth, I am in awe of that gift and the grace that he has given. We are not meant to be perfect, and that is okay. We are loved by a grace-filled God who made a way for us.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ.”- Romans 3:23-34


So as we continue to move through the week, I hope this encourages you. Know that you are beautiful, capable, and not defined by your downfalls. Practice extending grace to yourself, and see how things change.




Meet Tayler

A southern girl sharing life as a new mom, fashion, home, family and travel

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  1. Natali wrote:

    You are looking so beautiful in this retro chic outfit! Looove your two piece and funky sunnies. 🙂

    Posted 4.25.18 Reply
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