Nesting At 33 Weeks + My Organizing Tips

Nesting At 33 Weeks + My Organizing Tips

An old pre pregnancy photo- I can assure you my belly is much bigger than this now 😉

Hello Darling!

Is nesting a real thing? I had heard about the nesting phase through several momma friends but was not completely sure if it was real. Well I am here to tell you today that it is! I have spent the past few weeks organizing, cleaning, decorating and checking all the to do lists off. I have never felt more motivated in my life and I am loving it. So today, I thought I would share all about my nesting at 33 weeks + some of my organizing tips to help you while you are nesting or even just spring cleaning this year.

Nesting At 33 Weeks + My Organizing Tips

Nesting At 33 Weeks + My Organizing Tips

From cleaning out my closet to organizing our refrigerator I have been determined to create the cleanest and most organized space for our family. With no motivation lacking, the only challenge has been trying to get everything done between the extreme exhaustion and occasional Braxton hicks. My goal has been  to organize and clean with ease. These are a few tips that have helped me that I would recommend to you :

#1 Make a to do list

#2 Take it one job at a time

#3 If it is a big job, do a little bit every day

#4 Do as Marie Kondo would do, and get rid of any and all things that do not bring you joy. ( Less items you have the less you will have to organize and clean)

#5 Create a space and home for everything

#6 Enjoy the process and have fun!

Items To Help Organize

Organizing and creating a home and space for your things is much easier when you have helpful items to do so. Here are a few of my favorites that I have used throughout our house- from closet, kitchen, and more.

Closet/ Vanity


A few stores to check out when looking for items to help you organize are Container Store,  HomeGoods , Walmart and Target. HomeGoods and Walmart are probably my favorite spots for budget-friendly organizational finds. You can find so many great pieces for amazing prices! All it takes is a little bit of creativity.

I hope this post inspires and helps you with all of your organization needs this year! Let’s all get to spring cleaning. 😉





Meet Tayler

A southern girl sharing life as a new mom, fashion, home, family and travel

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