Isla Grace’s Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

Hello Darling!

First off, I have missed you! It has been WAY to long and in am so excited to be writing this. I know I have checked in a time or two with a few posts since having baby girl but I definitely have lots to catch you up on. Postpartum has looked a little bit differently than I expected or planned to say the least. I plan to share why I have taken a little bit more time off and what the past 4 months have looked like soon. However, I only thought it to be appropriate to start at the beginning and to share the most important part of these past 4 months- Isla Grace’s birth story. Plus share our experience of giving brith during COVID19.

Isla Grace’s Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

Hunter put it beautifully on his Instagram post announcing baby girl was born-

“Isla Grace was a perfectly timed blessing among a time of uncertainty and chaos.”

Leading Up To Her Birth 

Like most things this past year, her birth looked quite a bit different than we had anticipated. Two weeks leading up to her birth is when the COVID19 pandemic hit hard in Texas. Things began to shut down, and the stay at home order was put into place. As soon as things began to shift our minds went towards what does this mean for us in the hospital? Well a week before her birth we were told that Hunter would be the only one allowed in the hospital. This was hard to hear as it was my dream to have my mom and sister along side me through the day. However, we chose to stay positive and know that God was in control. I began to grieve the vision I had of family being at the hospital to meet our sweet girl and move forward believing and knowing that God was in control.

Week Of Her Birth

The week of her birth to put things lightly- we were sent through a whirlwind of emotions. As the pandemic began to increase and COVID numbers were rising we were told that there was a possibility that I may have to give birth alone. That is right, ALONE. Up until this point I had held things together pretty well but upon hearing this news I lost it. The thought of giving birth for the first time alone in the hospital without my husband was devastating. I knew there was no way I could do it without Hunter. As I began sobbing at our kitchen counter we started to pray and asking anyone and everyone to pray along side of us. I had never felt so helpless in my life. This was something that was completely out of may control and I did not know what to do. I pleaded with God on my knees, crying out in fear and in anger. It was not at all how I wanted the days leading up to hear birth to go.

I called my OB over and over again- bless her heart she was truly amazing through this all.  Begging her to induce me so that Hunter could be with me before regulations changed. However with only being 37 weeks regulations would not allow us to be induced just yet. I spent the entire week walking miles and miles each day, bouncing on our fitness ball, and eating all the spicy food that I could trying to get that girl out of me. We had everything packed up and ready to go just in case.

The Day Before Her Birth

The day before I went into labor I had my 38 week appointment alone. Praying that maybe that would be the day. Everything looked and sounded great. I was 2 cm dilated and things were moving along well but it was not time yet. I left the appointment feeling so disappointed. There were so many thoughts and emotions going through my head. Excited/ready to meet her, nervous about the possibility of giving birth alone and so much more! I went home that day and continued to spend hours praying and praying. That evening I got into my nightly bath and started to feel some pains in my back. Wondering am I going into labor, is this it -as a first time mom I had no idea what to expect. I told Hunter but we did not want to jump the gun too quickly and thought it was best to get a good nights sleep. I slept SO well that night. It was if God was preparing me for what was to come.

The Day Of Her Birth 

I woke up that morning around 8am to stronger pains and what I thought might be the beginning of my water breaking. As soon as I got out of bed I called my doctor and was advised to head up to the hospital to see what was going on. We headed up to the maternity floor to check in. Once we got to the check in counter we were informed that there was a chance that only the moms would be allowed at the hospital starting the next day. I looked at Hunter with tears streaming down my face. He looked at me and said, we are having this baby today do not worry. Sure enough we found out that my water had broken and it was go time! We had never been more relieved in our entire lives.

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

From this point on our day was filled with so much joy and light. We settled into our room, listened to worship music- praising God for His timing, and enjoyed the sunshine beaming in through the windows awaiting our sweet girl to arrive. During the next 9 hours it was if every fear, and anxiety was washed away. All I could feel was pure bliss and peace. God was so clearly evident and near this day.

Labor & Delivery 

I am very thankful to say that my labor and delivery experience was extremely smooth. I labored around 9 to 10 hours. My epidural took a little while to take on my right side ( thanks to my scoliosis) so I felt the majority of my contractions on that side but lucky by the time I started to push things were all set- thank you Jesus! I spent around 20 to 30 minutes pushing and she was here! Truly the best moment of Hunter and I’s lives. I still get emotional thinking about this day. It was perfect and she was perfect!

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

We spent the next few days soaking in all the newborn bliss, watching Harry Potter marathons on TV and resting. Truly could not have asked for a better experience disspite the stress leading up to it. Hunter and I joke to this day that we want to go back. We loved every second in the hospital. Though we were sad our family could not be there with us it gave us the sweetest time to bond as a family of three.

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19


Though her birth story went little differently than planned, we can say whole heartedly that God was in control. He taught us during this time to fully surrender to him. This entire experience has stretched me in ways I could have never imaged. Through it all I am grateful. Grateful to have had my husband with me, but most importantly grateful for the biggest and best gift of all – our beautiful Isla Grace.

Isla Grace's Birth Story + Giving Birth During COVID19

I can’t end this birth story without thanking each every healthcare and hospital worker out there. Thank you for your sacrifice and service. We were personally blessed with the best nurses and doctors imaginable – we owe you our life as you helped welcome ours.



check out my hospital bag and everything we used/packed on this post 

Meet Tayler

A southern girl sharing life as a new mom, fashion, home, family and travel

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